FRETOC County Council Petition
Petition summary and background
The Pierce County Council initiated amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the Frederickson Community Plan that would enable the Frederickson Town Center to have more diversity of retail tenants. This diversity of potential tenants is vitally important to attracting the type of tenants the community wants in the Frederickson Town Center. Without the proposed amendments, the northerly 30 plus acres of the site will develop under the existing CE industrial zoning. The parcels on 163rd St. E. and Canyon Rd. E. have developed under the CE zone. The uses on these parcels are not what we want to see in the Frederickson Town Center. The Frederickson Land Use Advisory Commission public hearing, scheduled for November 24, 2014, was canceled due to lack of a quorum. On December 10, 2014 a public hearing was held by the Pierce County Planning Commission. Many of the members of the community who planned on attending the LUAC hearing attended the Planning Commission Public Hearing. The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the amendments to the County Council. This petition expresses our strong support for the proposed Comprehensive Plan and Community Plan changes that would enable the Frederickson Town Center to have more diversity of retail tenants.
Action petitioned for
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge the County Council to accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation of approval, of C-6 COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT and M-4 AREA-WIDE AMENDMENT based on the findings 1 – 8 in the November 19, 2014 letter attached hereto.