Read about our project

Petition summary and background

The Pierce County Council initiated amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the Frederickson Community Plan that would allow the Frederickson Town Center to have a successful diversity of retail tenants. This diversity of potential tenants is vitally important to attracting the various goods and services the community wants in the Frederickson Town Center. Without the proposed amendments, the northerly 30 plus acres of the site would be limited to the CE zoning, with unrealistic and arbitrary restrictions on retail sales. The parcels on 163rd St. E. and Canyon Rd. E. have developed under the CE zone. The uses on these parcels are not what we want to see in the Frederickson Town Center. The Pierce County Council adopted the Comprehensive Plan including these amendments on June 30, 2015. The County Executive subsequently vetoed the Ordinance adopting the Comprehensive Plan. This petition expresses our strong support for the proposed Comprehensive Plan and Community Plan changes that would enable the Frederickson Town Center to have more diversity of retail tenants.

Action petitioned for

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge the County Council to override the veto of the Comprehensive Plan, and send the plan back to the County Executive complete with C-6 COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT and M-4 AREA-WIDE AMENDMENT

Frederickson Town Center Petition to the County Council
  • We request your address in order to assure that weight is given to Frederickson residents and business owners. Interested parties from surrounding communities are also encouraged to participate.
  • Email will only be used for the purposes of updating citizens on the progress of the Frederickson Town Center, including notifications of oppertunities to participate in the process.